_____ _______ _ _____ _ _ | __ \ |__ __| | | / ____| | | | | | | |_ __ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ | |_ __ __ ___ _____| | ______ | | | |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___| | ___ __ _ | | | | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \| | '__/ _` \ \ / / _ \ | |______| | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ |/ _ \ / _` | | |__| | | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | | | | (_| |\ V / __/ | | |____| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | __/ | (_) | (_| | |_____/|_| \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_|_|_| \__,_| \_/ \___|_| \_____|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|\___/ \__, | __/ | __/ | __/ | |___/ |___/ |___/ DragonTravel v01.008.02 (2021-07-11): - Fixed: - Remaining dragons are now properly removed in all loaded chunks and riders are safely dismounted before (GitHub issue #72, thanks to bmack94) - Players can no longer temporarily dismount dragons using "crouch" and interact with the world (GitHub issue #74, thanks to bmack94) DragonTravel v01.008.01 (2021-07-10): - Updated for CB 1.17.1 (thanks to bmack94) DragonTravel v01.007.11 (2020-11-21): - Fixed: - Stationary dragons in non-native worlds managed by Multiverse leading to a crash on server start (thanks to Jeppa) DragonTravel v01.007.10 (2020-11-11): - Updated for CB 1.16.4 (thanks to Sailoriae) DragonTravel v01.007.09 (2020-08-14): - Updated for CB 1.16.2 DragonTravel v01.007.08 (2020-07-19): - Updated for CB 1.16.1 - Fixed: - Check for travels if "OnlySigns" is enabled in the config (ticket #257) - Check for list of commands configured under "CommandPrevent" (ticket #258) - Added: - Additional message for player when a command is prevented while riding a dragon (and added a log message as well) DragonTravel v01.007.07 (2020-07-08): - Updated for CB 1.16.1 DragonTravel v01.007.06 (2020-03-05): - Player's dismounting the dragon should no longer receive damage from falling (with some exceptions). Thanks to @ZizzyZizzy - WingFixer has been disabled for NMS versions 1.13 and up because the problem it was a workaround for (flapping wings) has been fixed in the server itself. DragonTravel v01.007.05 (2020-02-21): - Updated for CB 1.14 (thanks to MrKinau) DragonTravel v01.007.04 (2019-12-22): - Updated for CB 1.13.1/1.13.2 (thanks to CKATEPTb) DragonTravel v01.007.03 (2019-12-22): - Updated for CB 1.15 - Fix for bug with DragonTravel-signs (thanks to YAMSAdmin) DragonTravel v01.007.02 (2019-07-19): - Updated for CB 1.13 DragonTravel v01.007.01 (2017-07-19): - Updated for CB 1.12 - IMPORTANT: This version of DragonTravel requires Java 8 since Craftbukkit/Spigot seem to require it from version 1.12 on. Added: - Config option "dismountOnShift" (thanks MrkMatr1984!) - World blacklists (for source or target worlds, ticket #248) Fixed: - Some German messages (thanks MrkMatr1984!) - Blinking passengers (thanks Slaymd!) - Bug leading to an exception when using "/dt ptoggle" (ticket #246) DragonTravel v01.006.05 (2017-01-17): Added: - Renamed message "Messages.General.Error.RequireSkyLight" to "Messages.General.Error.RequireSkyLightPlayer" (existing messages.yml should be updated automatically) - Added message "Messages.General.Error.RequireSkyLightDestination" Fixed: - Adjusted permissions for home-travel, added "dt.travelhome" (a full list of latest permissions can be found in the wiki) - A player trying to travel to a station which does not exist is not charged anymore - Hopefully fixed incorrect skylight check (GitHub issue #38) - Decreased dismount accuracy for higher "DragonSpeed" settings so dragons get stuck less often and at the same time added a console warning when starting DragonTravel with a "DragonSpeed" setting above 1.5. Known Bugs: - The problem about players being charged for travels even though they were not started because of the skylight check has not been fixed yet. I will try to include the fix in the next release. DragonTravel v01.006.04 (2016-12-08): Added: - Made command "/dt travel " available from console to enable admins to send players on a travel without being on the server (or to automate the process). DragonTravel v01.006.03 (2016-11-23): - Updated for CB 1.11 Added: - French language file (messages-fr.yml) - /dt showstats now prints coordinates of stations - /dt showflight now prints coordinates of the flight's waypoints Fixed: - A bug in mounting limits - A conflict between DragonTravel and WorldEdit (caused by package conflict regarding command framework by sk89q) Updated: - Updated to work with new Factions API - Updated to work with AntiCheat+ instead of abandoned AntiCheat DragonTravel v01.005.01 (2016-08-31): Added: - Possibility for admins to send other players on a travel (similar to the existing feature for flights) => new messages - Command "/dt rembugdragon" which removes the nearest enderdragon within a radius of 10 blocks around the player. Can be used to remove bugging stationary dragons of DragonTravel (only a temporary workaround). Enderdragons which are still recognized by DragonTravel will be removed as well, but will be respawned on next server startup. Use "/dt remstatdragon " for them as usual. Fixed: - Some bugs in message handling for stationary dragons and added new messages - Serious problem about quite some missing permission checks Refactored: - Handling of functionality "sending other players on a flight" DragonTravel v01.004.03 (2016-06-16): - Updated for CB 1.10-R0.1 DragonTravel v01.004.02 (2016-05-17): - Updated for CB 1.9.4-R0.1 DragonTravel v01.004.01 (2016-04-13): - Updated for CB 1.9-R0.1 and CB 1.9.2-R0.1 - Implemented fix for strange passenger movement bug in CB 1.9.X DragonTravel v01.003.19 (2016-01-11): - HOTFIX! - Fixing exception occuring when Towny is not installed DragonTravel v01.003.18 (2016-01-03): Added: - Fallback option for Wingfixer (stat dragons) and RyeDragon implementation - Players are no longer able to pick up items while riding dragons - Towny support (Thanks to DrkMatr1984!) - New messages Fixed: - Commented out support for items with modified meta data because it caused problems for umodified items - Commented out support for new permissions since there seem to be some problems with it - When using resource payment and using an item type whose name has not been modified in meta data, payment did not work. ItemName "" is new default value and means, there is no change to meta data while dealing with payment - Players are no longer getting stuck on interworld travels - Resolved bug in method used to prevent WorldGuard from preventing DT to spawn dragons - Created missing entries in language files - Display names of stationary dragons are no longer lowercase-only - Incorrect path of error message "Not enough money" leading to errors in log and chat - Adjusted some log messages - Fixed some translations in German - Permission bug in command "/dt remdragons" Removed: - Language files for - Danish - French - Spanish since there have not been updated for a long time Misc: - General code-cleanups and small fixes DragonTravel v01.002.15 (2015-08-26): Fixed: - Payment not working at all after refactoring - Error occuring when using payment and clicking a sign without a custom price on it (ticket #227) - Missing placeholder replacement when trying to delete a station which does not exist - Missing "No Permission" messages (CRLF was sent instead) - Missing check for "dt.*" permission when sending another user on a flight Added: - Console/log message when a DragonTravel version is run on a server version which is not supported (in addition to stacktrace) - Support for CB 1.7.9-R0.2 - Support for CB 1.8-R0.1 Misc: - All console/log messages sent out by DragonTravel now have a "[DragonTravel]" prefix DragonTravel v01.001.27 (2015-08-01): Complete re-factor and tidy up! IMPORTANT: - Implemented backwards compatibility. This version begins that support and works with - 1.7.10 - 1.8.7 (the latest revisions of each version) Fixed: - A lot of methods have been smoothed over to make this plugin run faster - Stationary dragons have been completely remade. They are now more easily tracked (in a similar way to stations) and will not snap to right angles. - Dragon rotation now has a different mechanism that complements the Minecraft concept for its benevolent flying creature. In order to get snappy rotations however, we recommend a breadcrumb system on turns to force update the dragon's direction. Unfortunately there is only so much we can do for this! - Command interface has been completely remade (helped by Riking). It is now a lot cleaner and follows the basic Minecraft format. Typing /dt help will give detailed information on usage, whilst /dt help gives a list of commands. (N.B. There are now plenty more aliases so be sure to check them out and find your favourites!). - The item payment handler now works with items that have a custom name. Added: - Auto updater to retrieve the latest version of the plugin. (N.B. Volatile! Do not forget we still need to create a new version on each update increment, so this will only work fine for you if you have not changed the server build. If you have, visit this page again for the latest information on new builds. Toggle-able in the config. - Support for the new version of Metrics with a fancy custom graph. It might appear here some time soon but we would appreciate its use. Toggle-able in the config. - New file format added for current configurations. No changes need to be made by you as this will be done automatically. - Dragon have been prepared for additional features on the way, such as unmanned timed flights and free flight mode (pet). - Stations, flights, and stationary dragons can now have coloured display names. Use '&' for colour and '_' for spaces! - Journeys now use the boss bar to display a small message. This will involve the display name as mentioned before. It uses the same message as the in-chat confirmation. (N.B. It will crop the string to fit within the limit on boss bar titles.) - We now have a basic API for developers! It can be accessed through the use of RyeDragonAPI and provides a limited access to some of the internal features of the plugin. This could be useful for RPG plugins looking to add a little extra juice to the experience they give! - Permissions have been greatly expanded (helped again by Riking) to provide even greater control for administrators. The old ones will continue to work. - A skylight requirement, requested feature, which requires the start location to be the highest block at that X,Z co-ordinate. Misc: - Plenty of tickets have been resolved over the past few weeks so be sure to check them out as a lot of great features have and will be popping up from them. DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.6 (2015-05-20): - Updated for CB 1.8.4-R0.1 (by SpigotMC team) - Fixed: - Bug in mistake in message path on PaymentHandler (Ticket #220) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.5 (2015-03-09): - Updated for CB 1.8.3-R0.1 (by SpigotMC team) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.4 (2014-12-27): - Fixed: - Bug in help command (Ticket #215) - Bug in travel to player (Ticket #217) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.3 (2014-12-22): - Fixed: - Bug preventing random destination from working (Ticket #213) - Added: - Config option to set a minimum height required to mount a dragon to prevent players from escaping mines, caves and tunnels by using dragons. (Ticket #214) - Config option to set a cooldown time in seconds determining how long a player has to wait after he received damage before he is allowed to mount a dragon. Can be used to prevent players from escaping battles using dragons. (Ticket #214) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.2 (2014-12-17): - Fixed: - Added config option to choose whether riders are automatically dismounted on the ground or just dismounted where they are when reaching the target location DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.1 (2014-12-17): - Fixed: - Fixed a bug where a world without a ground could lead to an endless loop when searching for a block to safely dismount a rider DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.1.0 (2014-12-07): - Updated for CB 1.8-R0.1 (by SpigotMC team) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.18 (2014-08-11): - Fixed: - Problem occuring on interworld teleport DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.17 (2014-07-15): - Added: - Some commands for use from console, the following commands are available now: - reload - version - author - showstats - showflights - remdragons - remstat - remflight - flight - Support for Faction-signs - following layouts are available - faction specific (bring players of the specified faction to the faction's home) [DragonTravel] Faction - general (bring the player to his faction's home) [DragonTravel] Faction - Config option "MaxTravelDistance" to limit travels to a certain distance (Default: -1 = disabled) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.16 (2014-05-30): - Fixed: - Error when trying to start a flight without a world specified for each waypoint in the database (flight from the time before interworld flights were implemented. Now simply uses the world the flight was created in for all waypoints in that case - Error when trying to start a flight with a waypoints whose specified world does no exist on the server. Now returns a message to the user and a warning to the server.log instead of crashing. DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.15 (2014-05-25): - Fixed: - Error when trying to save a flight with a waypoint set using "setwp" command DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.14 (2014-04-14): - Updated for CB 1.7.8-R0.1 / CB 1.7.9-R0.1 - Added: - UUID support DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.13 (2014-04-13): - Revoked DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.12 (2014-03-30): - Fixed: - Errors occuring when printing out messages to a player who just paid for a travel/flight DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.11 (2014-03-27): - Updated for CB 1.7.5-R0.1 - Added: - Support for AntiCheat v2.0, won't work with AntiCheat v1.5.9 or less! DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.10 (2013-12-04): - Updated for CB 1.7.2-R0.1 DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.9 (2013-10-29): - Fixed: - Payment-item not read from the config but from a debug-line leading to a permanent use of gold nuggets - Exception when checking for stations around the player (because of MountingLimit) when a station has a 'world'-property whose world does not exist. - Possible NPEs when a player isn't on the dragon when DragonTravel tries to dismounted him - Added: - MCPC+-support (FINALLY!!) - Permission-Check for the "/dt reload"-command - Check for config-option "OnlySigns" for flights - Message for the above check to the new Message-file version - Nicer message when trying to run an outdated version of DragonTravel - Possibility to send a player on a flight from console - Misc: - Small changes in the messages-files (fixed typo and moved a phrase) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.8 (2013-09-22): - Updated for CB 1.6.4-R0.1 DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.7 (2013-09-19): - Fixed: - Typo in error-message which is sent if the messages-xy.yml cannot be read. - Wall-Signs not working - Added: - Danish language-file (messages-da.yml) DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.6 (2013-09-15): - Fixed: - Dismount at the end of a travel causing a NullPointerException when the player has been dismounted by water/SHIFT-clicking and the scheduler hasn't mounted him again before he is dismounted DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.5 (2013-09-13): - Fixed: - Using Economy leading to a crash because the formatting of the "success-message" didn't work out correctly - Permissions for Flights not working correctly when using Signs which lead to players being rejected a Flight via sign even though they had sufficient permissions - Added: - Sign-Protection for all DragonTravel-signs => Signs cannot be destroyed by a user without the new permission dt.admin.signs DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.4 (2013-09-06): - Fixed: - Deleting a station not deleting station from database! - Added: - Config-option to set the default value of the player-toggle option (opt-in/opt-out option) => Set it to true to allow players to travel to any player by default (if they have the permissions dt.ptoggle) until the target player toggles it off => Set it to false to disallow them and require the target player to toggle it on to allow other players to travel to him DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.3 (2013-09-03): - Fixed: - Shift click dismounting error has been counter-acted. No more crashing servers! DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.2 (2013-08-22): - Fixed: - Message "You do not have the permission to use this command" for "ptravel" appearing, even if the player had the correct permission. DragonTravel Phoenix v0.0.0.1 (2013-07-29): - Complete recode, bunch of new features: - An incomplete list of the most important changes/new features: - Combined stations and destinations to one type ("station") - New database-structure (changed from XemDB to YML) => Easy to understand and modify by hand - New permissions-system => Allows individual permissions for each station/flight - Factions-support => Travel to faction-home by dragon - New config-options - Teleport player back to the location he started from when dismounting => Counter-measure for players "jumping off" dragons during a tavel to get to forbidden areas - Limit the number of dragons on your server to prevent lags - Possibility to toggle whether riders can take damage or not - Possibility to send other players on a travel/flight - Payment-system can now be set up to use resources - The item required to use the plugin (e.g. dragon-egg) can now be specified for each type of travel/flight. DragonTravel (2013-07-09): - Updated for CB 1.6.2-R0.1 DragonTravel (2013-07-02): - Updated for CB 1.6.1-R0.1 DragonTravel (2013-06-16): - Fixed: - Playertravel bugging when targetplayer is in different world. (Giving an error, but flying to a random location). DragonTravel (2013-06-01): - Fixed: - DragonTravel not working without Vault & Economy-plugin DragonTravel (2013-05-30): - Fixed: - Economy-system not working DragonTravel (2013-05-01): - Updated for CB 1.5.2-R0.1 DragonTravel (2013-03-27): - exact clone of v1. and v1.8.8.2, but compiled with Java 6 because the two previous versions should have been compiled for Java 6, but I failed... -.- DragonTravel (2013-03-25): - exact clone of v1.8.8.2, but compiled with Java 6 because v1.8.8.2 caused problems for many server-admins running servers with Java 6 DragonTravel (2013-03-21): - Updated for CB 1.5.1-R0.1 DragonTravel (2013-03-18): - Fixed: - fixed player being dismounted about 20-50 blocks before reaching the destination when incoming from the west [Ticket #94] - fixed players being hurt when they are dismounted [Ticket #141] - Added: - NoCheatPlus-hooks, so dragon-riders aren't recognized as "hackers" anymore [Ticket #143] DragonTravel 1.8.8 (2013-03-16): - Updated for CB 1.5-R0.1 DragonTravel (2013-03-09): - exact clone of v1.8.7, but compiled with Java 6 because v1.8.7 caused problems for many server-admins running servers with Java 6 DragonTravel 1.8.7 (2013-03-08): - Fixed: - permission dt.* not working correctly (Ticket #139) - statdragons now do not get removed when restarting the server (Ticket #124) - Added: - option to set a "required item" which a player needs to have in his inventory to use DragonTravel (Ticket #114) => bypass-permission "dt.notrequireitem" DragonTravel 1.8.6 (2013-03-04): - Fixed: - prices for setting a home and travelling to it are now withdrawn correctly (Ticket #134) - the ptoggle-command now works like it should (Ticket #135) DragonTravel 1.8.5 (2013-01-30): - Fixed: - Console errors and dragons not behaving themselves DragonTravel 1.8.4 (2013-01-21): - Updated for CB 1.4.7-R0.1 DragonTravel 1.8.3b (2012-12-21): - Updated for CB 1.4.6-R0.1 DragonTravel 1.8.2 (2012-12-20): - Updated for CB 1.4.5-R1.0 DragonTravel 1.7.1 (2012-11-04): - Added: - Reimplemented AntiCheat-support: Thanks to BangL DragonTravel 1.7 (2012-10-30): - Updated for Minecraft 1.4: Thanks to BangL DragonTravel 1.6 (2012-08-25): - Fixed: - stations not being deleted correctly - glowstone-markers not being removed - internal database errors - Added: - new teleport-mechanism on dismount/log-out - french config/messages into the JAR, check it out - Overall heavy code cleanup and performance improvements - Made command execution faster - Updated to Vault 1.2.18 DragonTravel 1.5.3 (2012-08-11): - Fixed: - sign creating causing exceptions/errors DragonTravel 1.5.2 (2012-08-09): - Fixed: - /dt destlist not working correctly - /dt home not working correctly DragonTravel 1.5.1 (2012-08-05): - Changed: - PlayerChatEvent to AsyncPlayerChatEvent - cleaned up some code DragonTravel 1.5 (2012-08-04): - Added: - Compatibility with Minecraft 1.3.1 - Fixed: - /home withdrawing 2x the cost - Changed: - database-system from MiniDB to MexDB INFO: We recommand to delete the old FAQ file because there are new As and Qs Dragonravel 1.4 (2012-06-14): - Added: - Dragons of DragonTravel can now spawn in protected area which normally do not allow mob-spawning. - This feature can be turned off in the configuration file. a hook into AntiCheat to avoid dragonriders being considered flyhacking DragonTravel 1.3 (2012-05-31): - Added: - a feature which allows admins to define a name in the config which can be used as a destination and sends the player to a random place. The place can be limited on both axes. DragonTravel 1.2.2 (2012-05-04): - Fixed: - NPE when using a Spout GUI of any type and hitting a button beforeany DragonTravel GUI was opened. DragonTravel 1.2.1 (2012-04-22): - Fixed: - destination-signs not working(when creating) DragonTravel 1.2 (2012-04-21): - Added: - right click in the air with a bowl also sets a waypoint - left click with a bowl removes the last set waypoint - dragon now looks in the right direction everytime(if not, it is lagg causing it) - Fixed: - NullPointerException when creating a flight without any waypoint DragonTravel 1.1 (2012-04-20): - Rewrote all permissions, please see the new FAQ file in your plugins/DragonTravel directory - Added: - FAQ.txt into the DragonTravel folder - /dt ptoggle, which allows players to decide if other players are allowed to travel to them - new messages - configuration option to turn off the glowstone markers when creating stations/destinations - missing DragonTravel Credit-messages - Fixed: - NullPointerException on disable(Was a waypoint class issue)... DragonTravel 1.0 >>> Initial Release <<< (2012-04-14): - Added: - "Flights" - flights are travels with as many waypoints as you wish - commands related to flights: - /dt createflight -> Creates a new flight, sets you in edit.mode - /dt saveflight -> Saves the current flight - /dt remflight -> Removes a flight - /dt flight -> Lets you fly a flight - /dt setwp -> Sets a new wp on your location - /dt remlastwp -> Removes the last set waypoint - "PayFlight"-option in the config which defines how much a flight costs when when executing /dt flight . That cost get bypassed when a cost is defined by a sign - Flight-Signs - create Flight-Signs like this: [DragonTravel] Flight NameOfCreatedFlight >Cost< (If economy activated) - See the new waypoint stuff on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6juqug6iLw - new movement code and yaw direction code - new messages to edit in messages.yml - removed multithreaded movement because of security reasons, thanks to bergerkiller and ZNickq DragonTravel Beta 3.0 (2012-04-08): - Added: - option to enable/disable mulithreaded movement INFO: Update your configs! DragonTravel Beta 2.9 (2012-04-07): - Added: - multithreaded dragon movement - Rewrote: - yaw-direction calculation and diagonally flight (Seems as we can't fix, that the dragon looks sometimes in the wrong direction) - Fixed: - made the dragon look in the right direction and flying when taking off DragonTravel Beta 2.8 (2012-04-07): - Added: - HomeSet withdraw option in configuration - /dt statdragon, which spawns a stationary dragon - new permission "dt.statdragon" for /dt remdragons & /dt statdragon - Changed: - permission for creating DragonTravel-Signs to "dt.signs" instead of "dt.waypoint" DragonTravel Beta 2.7 (2012-04-05): - Added: - messages.yml to give admins the opportunity to customize all messages given out by DragonTravel - limit for the length of the name of stations/destinations to avoid problems when writing the name on a sign (limit: 15 characters) DragonTravel Beta 2.6.1(2012-03-29): - Fixed: - GUI not creating stations as it should - addon DragonTraveBlocks not working - minor code-clean up DragonTravel Beta 2.6(2012-03-26): - Added: - new addons folder where you can put DragonTravel-Addons in - created DragonTravelBlocks addon via Spout: Download here: http://goo.gl/tDEXt Install: Put the Jar into the addons folder of DragonTravel - the command prevention should now also prevent commands with non known parameters, for example /tp XemsDoom - Fixed: - dragon looking into the wrong direction (and again ;)) - minor code-clean up DragonTravel Beta 2.5.3(2012-03-22): - Fixed a player getting mounted when executing /dt travel but not having enough money for the actual travel - code clean-up on economy and travel modules DragonTravel Beta 2.5.2(2012-03-21): - Fixed: - silly start up error when not havin WorldGuard installed DragonTravel Beta 2.5.1(2012-03-19): - Fixed: - message "Hooked into WorldGuard" not appearing - destroying a destination sign not giving any feedback - cleaned up some movement code DragonTravel Beta 2.5(2012-03-18): - Added: - GUI for DragonTravel via Spout/SpoutCraft with permission "dt.GUI" for opening the GUI and a new option in the configuration for changing the right key - Fixed: - sound not working right DragonTravel Beta 2.4.1(2012-03-17): - massive Code Clean Up DragonTravel Beta 2.4 (2012-03-01): - Fixed: - dragon sometimes looking in the wrong direction - Updated for Minecraft 1.2 DragonTravel Beta 2.3 (2012-02-11): - Added: - players will now be on a safe location after logging off while being on a travel and also if they just dismount from the dragon via command. by "kjhf" - /dt remdragons for console. by "kjhf" - more logic version number to configuration, so make sure to update it - easier ptravel command, it accepts now also only parts of the target's name - Fixed: - player mounting even a dragon if the target was in another world or not even existing - the player being imortal after somehow getting dismounted from the dragon - the real enderdragon freezing - more or less the grammar DragonTravel Beta 2.2 (2012-02-06): - Added: - option to let the spoutcraft user know, that a sound gets downloaded - Changed: - mounting so, that there is now a new special permission for it "dt.mount", which gives the players the permission to make the singel cmd /dt mount, therefore you do NOT have to be mounted anymore in order to execute the commands: /dt travel, /dt ctravel, /dt ptravel <<<---- Still working only with permission "dt.travel"! - Fixed: - player death on a dragon causing errors INFO: delete your old configuration file DragonTravel Beta 2.1 (2012-02-05): - Fixed: - error when using signs but not having worldguard installed DragonTravel Beta 2.0 (2012-02-05): - Added: - music via spout, you can now define one track which gets played to spoutcraft users when travelling - Added: - cmd to stop music from DragonTravel if for whatever reason the music did not stop permission: "dt.travel" INFO: delete your old configuration file DragonTravel Beta 1.9 (2012-02-04): - Added: - filtering for /dt destlist and /dt statlist, now it shows only available destinations/stations in the world in which the executor of the command is - signs also can now be used with items/blocks in hands - Fixed: - getting withdraws when you could not mount a dragon - class splitting - heavy code clean-up DragonTravel Beta 1.8 (2012-02-03): - Added: - "UseOnlySigns" setting in the configuration which disallows the use of the command /dt travel, because you could have a less cost when using it - permission: "dt.cost", players with this permission won't have any withdraw - Fixed: - people can now not use signs anymore without the permission "dt.travel" - you won't mount anymore a dragon with /dt home when your home is not accessable - /dt help message appearing when the command executor did not have any DragonTravel permission INFO: delete your old configuration file DragonTravel Beta 1.7 (2012-01-28): - Added: - /dt sethome : /dt home with the permission "dt.home" - new help system for command listing, therefore /dt help 1 : /dt help 2 DragonTravel Beta 1.6 (2012-01-28): - Added: - check if mob-spawning is prevented by worldguard on the mounting location, if mob-spawning is not allowed, you will not mount an unvisible dragon anymore. - added configurable withdraw-message - added command /dt remdragons, which removes all enderdragons on the same world as the executor of this command, which do not have players as passengers - Updated: - event listeners to the new bukkit event-system DragonTravel Beta 1.5 (2012-01-25): - Added: - config-check, if the version does not match the newest one the plugin will disable itself until a correct version of the config exists. - Fixed: - dragon now flys also up on the endmove if the destination is above the travelheight - dragons now also fly diagonally DragonTravel Beta 1.4 (2012-01-22): - Fixed: - DragonTravel dragons also get despawned when a player dies with whatever reason while mounted on a dragon. - message "You are not at a station" appearing more than it should - Adjusted where the players sits on the dragon, more nearer now !!! only other players see you sit correctly !!! DragonTravel Beta 1.3 (2012-01-21): - Added: - "CommandPrevent" in configuration, use it to disable certain commands when being mounted on a dragon - /dt destlist and /dt statlist, which shows you the destinations or stations available/existing - speed setting for the dragon, do not set it over 1.0! - Fixed: - not being able to make a destination named like a station - Changed: - the "dest:" on the signs to "To:" DragonTravel Beta 1.2 (2012-01-21): - Added: - signs for stations and destinations use signs on stations to let them mount a player by clicking on it Make a destination sign like this(you must be in the station radius): [DragonTravel] emtpy DestinationName Cost <--------(if "Economy" activated in config) - you are not able to make /dt travel, if "UseStation" is enabled in the config, as the signs than do handle the travelling to destinations. /dt ctravel and /dt ptravel still work also when "UseStation" activated. - "PayTravel","PayCoords","PaytoPlayer", which are in the config for setting each a specific amount of money to withdraw from the player, if the amount set is "0.0", there will not be any message on the withdraw. - new database Signs.mini - a show server which you can visit if you don't get it: notice: there are some weird german signs, written really badly, so dont mind about them :p - Removed: - unecessary databases tempA and tempB INFO: Delete your old databases! DragonTravel Beta 1.1 (2012-01-19): - Added: - /dt dismount permission: "dt.travel" - /dt ptravel permission: "dt.ptravel" DragonTravel Beta 1.0 REV5 (2012-01-19): - Added: - some colors into the chat to players - surprise in config ;) - Rewrote: - some code to make plugin compatible for Java 6 DragonTravel Beta 1.0 REV3 (2012-01-19): - Fixed: - "could not save...." message on server reload/restart DragonTravel Beta 1.0 REV1 (2012-01-19): - Fixed: - events not registering right DragonTravel Beta 1.0 (2012-01-19): - plugin rewrite - Dragon really flies now - new functions DragonTravel Alpha 0.2 (2011-11-29): - first version, working on movement DragonTravel Alpha 0.1 (2011-11-29): - XemsDoom joins the team - Project is created at BukkitDev DragonTravel Alpha (2011-11-14): - initial idea by Phiwa ;) - first prototype-version with "sliding" dragons moving at light-speed developed and tested ________________________________________________________________________ ___ .~))>> .~)>> .~))))>>> .~))>> ___ .~))>>)))>> .-~))>> .~)))))>> .-~))>>)> .~)))>>))))>> .-~)>>)> ) .~))>>))))>> .-~)))))>>)> ( )@@*) //)>)))))) .-~))))>>)> ).@(@@ //))>>))) .-~))>>)))))>>)> (( @.@). //))))) .-~)>>)))))>>)> )) )@@*.@@ ) //)>))) //))))))>>))))>>)> (( ((@@@.@@ |/))))) //)))))>>)))>>)> )) @@*. )@@ ) (\_(\-\b |))>)) //)))>>)))))))>>)> (( @@@(.@(@ . _/`-` ~|b |>))) //)>>)))))))>>)> )* @@@ )@* (@) (@) /\b|))) //))))))>>))))>> (( @. )@( @ . _/ / \b)) //))>>)))))>>>_._ )@@ (@@*)@@. 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